Sunday, April 19, 2009

Please sign the Online Petition to President Obama

Tamils don’t want to lose time any more on getting the right message out, on what we want, where we stand and where our loyalties lie to President Obama!

Please complete the 2 campaigns, see further below:

1.We need 100,000 signatures within days – every family member must participate even if it’s the same e-mail!

2.And we need to flood Obama’s White house website.President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history – that’s what his website says!

Please each one send this to hundreds of people and follow up, this might seem like a small initiative it can have an impact! So don’t take this lightly.

Please …

Thank you

Dear Friend
Please sign the Online Petition
Here is the Link
http://www.petition urgent1/
Appeal to President Obama asking him to help facilitate “Five Measures to Achieve Sustainable Peace in Sri Lanka .”
1. For the US and its allies to help broker a ceasefire between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE
2. For the US to engage the LTTE and lead the de-proscription of LTTE by the International Community
3. Initiate peace talks between the Sri Lankan government and LTTE
4. Recognize the historical habitat of the Tamil homeland, the Tamil people’s right to nationhood and their right to self-rule
5. Facilitate the re-establishment of a free and sovereign state as previously existed, creating an independent Tamil Eelam in the island of Sri Lanka
We know what we want – We want a two state solution -Tamil Eelam is non negotiable- Let’s make it known!
We need 100,000 signatures and much more to send to President Obama!
Please send it to all your contacts and let them send it to all their contacts and let it mushroom!
Go into the link – It’s Quick and Easy as 123…

Please post the Appeal on the White House website by copying the (only the letter) and pasting it on his message box with your name (short form of the letter below is well within the allotted 5000 characters) or fax the Appeal to the President with your signature – Please do it now – let our issue flood his mail and so he’ll know what we truly want.
President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history – that’s what his website says!
FAX: 1 202-456-2461
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Dear Mr. President
Re: Five measures to achieving sustainable peace in Sri Lanka
As a great and courageous leader of the free world who has demonstrated a willingness to take a fresh look at global conflicts and their underlying facts with an open mind, devoid of bias and prejudice, we turn to you following your own mantra “yes we can”, founded on the “audacity of hope” to help facilitate the five measures advocated herein to achieving peace in Sri Lanka.
We seek your help because we believe you and you alone can persuade your international allies including India and act in concert to address the crisis in Sri Lanka .
Just as the USA granted recognition to the Kosovo Liberation Army that it had once proscribed, paving the way for Kosovo’s independence and is prepared to talk to peace loving members of even the Taliban towards peace in Afghanistan , we ask that the ban on the LTTE be lifted to enable peace talks to begin in earnest.
In conjunction with this Appeal please also read the separate summary which will be sent to you of facts and events documenting the systematic genocide of the Tamil people which explains the now non-negotiable stand of the Tamils for an independent Tamil Eelam.
http://www.nowpubli sri-lanka- uses-banned- chemical- weapons
We appeal to you to help facilitate the following five measures:
1. For the US and its allies to help broker a ceasefire between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE
2. For the US to engage the LTTE and lead the de-proscription of LTTE by the International Community
3. Initiate peace talks between the Sri Lankan government and LTTE
4. Recognize the historical habitat of the Tamil homeland, the Tamil people’s right to nationhood and their right to self-rule
5. Facilitate the re-establishment of a free and sovereign state as previously existed, creating an independent Tamil Eelam in the island of Sri Lanka
We hope you would remember your great country, America ’s war of independence and the circumstance surrounding it when you consider the five measures.
With you as the new US President we stand at the threshold of a new beginning. The world waits in awe for “Change” to take place that would also we hope make a difference for the oppressed and persecuted people of the world. We commend you for coining the phrase “Yes We Can” to inspire and motivate Americans that all things are possible and true to your word, you won the presidency, despite being the underdog as a young Senator, with a Muslim middle name, of African American lineage in a white dominated America . The catch phrase has ignited the imagination of people, providing a morale boost not only to Americans but also to others, who are pinning their hopes and dreams on you to create a better world.
Your timely intervention to facilitate the five measures is paramount to achieving a just, viable and sustainable peace in Sri Lanka .


Madurai Time zone


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